Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fasting Notes - A Collection From Writings

The Divine Wisdom of Fasting.

The Divine wisdom in fasting is manifold. Among them is this:As during those days (i.e. the period of fasting which the followers afterward observe) the Manifestation of the Sun of Reality,through Divine inspiration, is engaged in the descent ( revealing) of Verses,the instituting of Divine Law and the arrangement of teachings ,through excessive occupation and intensive attraction there remains no condition or time for eating and drinking. For example ,when His Holiness Moses went to the Mount Tur (Sinai) and there engaged in instituting the Law of God, He fasted for 40 days.For the purpose of awakening and admonishing the people of Israel,fasting was enjoined upon them.

Likewise ,His Holiness Christ, in the beginning of instituting the Spiritual Law,the systemizing of the teachings and the arrangement of the counsel,for 40 days abstrained from eating and drinking. In the beginning the disciples and Christians fasted. Later the assemblages of the chief Christians changed fasting into lenten observances.

Likewise the Coran having descended in the month of Ramazan,fasting during that month became a duty.

In the like manner, His Holiness the Supreme ,The Bab, in the beginnging of the Manifestation through the excesssive effect of descending verses, passed days in which His nourrishment was reduced to tea only..

Likewise,the Blessed Beauty,Baha'u'llah, when busy with instituting the Divine Teachings and during the days the Verses (The Word of God) descended continously,through the great effect of the Verses and the throbbing of the heart,took no food except the least amount.

The purpose is this;In order to follow the Divine Manifestations and for the purpose of admonition and the commemoration of their state,it became incumbemt upon the people to fast during those days. For every sincere soul who has a beloved longs to experience that state in which his beloved is.If his beloved is in a state of sorrow,he desires sorrow;if in a state of joy.he desires joy;if in a state of rest.he desires rest;if in a state of trouble,he desires trouble.

Now, since in this Millennial Day,His Holiness the Supreme,The Bab fasted many days,and the Blessed Beauty,Baha'u'llah took little food or drink,it becomes necessary that the friends should follow this example.

(Table Talks by Abdul-Baha,by Mrs Corrine True,Star of the West,Vol.IV,No.18 p305

(# tue march 1st, 2011)

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