Saturday, May 21, 2011

Facebooker - A New Species

Cyber friends ! A great day of a great scientific report is just for you. It seems as if the journey of 'Homo sapiens' have come to the end of the road in its course of organic evolution.
Name: 'Homo polymorphicus sleaziensis radioactiana'
Taxonomic system used: Quadrinomial system of nomenclature
World Inhabited: Netizen
Citizenship: Netizenship
Distribution: All across the globe
First Clues found: On Facebook of Mark Zuckerberg
Initially called: Facebooker
Language: As if all the world languages mixed together
Day/Nights: None in general. Found always active
Special Features: Omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, tail less, creepy, nasty (dont confuse with Amoeba proteus)
Salient Features:
1. Have strong resistant power to higher doses of electromagnetic radiation.
2. Anti thermal resistance to higher SAR (watt/kg of tissue) ratings. They are unmoved by higher temp increase of the body tissues if any.
3. Showing bizarre behaviour patterns (laughing/crying alone, aloud in mid of the night)
4. They change their form/shape to anything, much visible on their profile.
5. Sleazy, moving all across the Wall/Link/Photo/Comment, to almost everywhere.
6. Defies the Gravity Laws (of science & society at large), while moving in & out. Our sci expert says as if they are out of the bounds of Unified String Theory's considerations, so out from the 4th dimension's interfearances.
7. They impart radioactive fallouts to the place they visit on. Their remains/debris is harmful to the civilian's 'eyes & ears'.

(#wed feb 16th, 2011)

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