Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Eternity - If there it is

Headstone (sarcophagus)....
Eternity starts here....
To be recycled in another realms (kingdoms)....
PHYSICS says...there is no annihilation..not for subatomic particle even !!
And latest theory of Strings says, we are all Energies ..!!
So we are all Electricity !!
So we are all ETERNAL !!
A meeting point for PHYSICS and METAPHYSICS !! :-)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Village Visit Notes-1

March 27th, 2011
Like a great banyan tree - Rasalpara welcomes you to your Roots !
Join it & get connected with the Place: to which we belong to.

April 3rd, 2011
Journey which takes u to a place where u were born; it has to be a nostalgic - irrespective of the age/whatsoever factors there is.
I am onto that.
Reports u get, the moment I reach that place, the 'Rasalpara'.

April 4th, 2011
Hello friends !
Its all the same..
New green leaves in our grand 'Peepal' tree...
'Brassica' being threshed manually by 'Kishore', underneath the tree...
'Matai', as usual being busy with rope he makes manually for cows..
'Purwa Hawa'...nice cool day.
Native 'Rasalpara' just recalls you..
With the fragrances of 'Mango', 'Azadiracta', 'Madhuca' & all that around it...
So sweet is the love..
Of motherland !!

April 5th, 2011
One more day & some more character to appear, like Ramji with his unsettled outfit, unkempt hairstyle & a broken tooth. He is a pur contradiction to his wife in these things.
People seemingly wish if 'Pachhuwa Hawa' would set in, as helpful to agricultural reasons.
Its interesting that one needs 'Razai' in night even at this hour in March. Nights are quite cold, perhaps nowhere else in plains of India.
So odd it is to hear dogs barking all through the nights....

April 6th, 2011
Cold nights & warmer days - blow hot & blow cold !
Usual day, Chana (Gram; Cicer arietinum) being cut. 'Horha' could be enjoyed.
"The winds....winds r blowing ! Through grove (mango), the winds r blowing !"
True to the 'Bagh' - 'Bagiya Wale Babas' !!

April 6th, 2011
Sparkle clear night sky, darker phase of the moon, just suitable place for gazing heaven upward, to see the cosmos unknown, with some nice astro softy (say Stellarium), with a coffee cuppa & ofcourse mosquito coil with !!
If known, Royal Astronomical Society , Burlington House U.K. may choose this place most suitable for star-watchers !!
# You know Alok, that is a scary ghost, and such nights are just right occasion to visit that place & find him hanging on some mango branch.
My God ! We dont have lights here and everybody is fast asleep except door dogs & field jackals - barking & howling in comptetion to each. So scary are the nights......
# Alok u wont believe that at 00:00 hrs of 8th april, me & sonu went to meet a ghost in Kutiwa, who was supposed to be riding a fallen tree trunk with a tractor stand by; but failed so !?
You know that Sonu (he calls himself Sanjay, with a vision of his 3rd eye), who is an expret in these matters !
Any way, luck for another time !!

April 8th, 2011
Tea-walkers (like the Zombies), early visitors, Ram Piyare to mention just one !
Amazing varieties of birds, just beside you in their full chorus !
Happiness lies so close to you....
Just listen them & forget your pain...boon for those having allergy with pain-killers like me !
And Deepika at home with the old forgotten traditional culture of grace gravity to live with all !!

April 8th, 2011
Pure gold color all around in the fields !
Just a harvest time for wheat.
Sitting below mango tree ladden with green mangoes, sipping tea, an afternoon gossip topic - corruption & ...., such is a scene at Sumerpur tubewell...!!

April 8th, 2011
Some individual updates:
# Gaurd (Chandrika Prasad) got pacemaker in; 22nd feb.
# Deep Narain (brother of village sarpanch) suffered brain haemorahge & passed away; 12th march.
# Vipin Kumar to be married in Vaidehi Nagar, Fd.
# Accidents many: Babloo dada with nut bolts, Vipin & many.
# Marriages many.

#Varanasi railway station
April 10th, 2011; 2:03 pm
Oh ! So precious you are Alok ! God bless you !
Finally the page is in right hands ! Feels so relieved !
Alok, your Anjani mama has boarded off 14204 Intercity exp at Varanasi, currently sitting at platform 4, living with sweet memories of yesterday - which I was lucky to spent with you & your loving family. Please convey my thanks to everyone !!

#Varanasi railway station
April 10th, 2011, 2:14 pm
"Jeevan Shor Bhara Sannata !!
Zanjeero Ki Lambai Tak, Saara Sair Sapaata !
Jeevan Shor Bhara Sannata !!"

Its you...
To share...
And be shared...
With world at large...
Dignity & grace at heart...
And find a cool solace...
Which everyone is searching for....
Love & Thanks !!

Fasting Notes - A Collection From Writings

The Divine Wisdom of Fasting.

The Divine wisdom in fasting is manifold. Among them is this:As during those days (i.e. the period of fasting which the followers afterward observe) the Manifestation of the Sun of Reality,through Divine inspiration, is engaged in the descent ( revealing) of Verses,the instituting of Divine Law and the arrangement of teachings ,through excessive occupation and intensive attraction there remains no condition or time for eating and drinking. For example ,when His Holiness Moses went to the Mount Tur (Sinai) and there engaged in instituting the Law of God, He fasted for 40 days.For the purpose of awakening and admonishing the people of Israel,fasting was enjoined upon them.

Likewise ,His Holiness Christ, in the beginning of instituting the Spiritual Law,the systemizing of the teachings and the arrangement of the counsel,for 40 days abstrained from eating and drinking. In the beginning the disciples and Christians fasted. Later the assemblages of the chief Christians changed fasting into lenten observances.

Likewise the Coran having descended in the month of Ramazan,fasting during that month became a duty.

In the like manner, His Holiness the Supreme ,The Bab, in the beginnging of the Manifestation through the excesssive effect of descending verses, passed days in which His nourrishment was reduced to tea only..

Likewise,the Blessed Beauty,Baha'u'llah, when busy with instituting the Divine Teachings and during the days the Verses (The Word of God) descended continously,through the great effect of the Verses and the throbbing of the heart,took no food except the least amount.

The purpose is this;In order to follow the Divine Manifestations and for the purpose of admonition and the commemoration of their state,it became incumbemt upon the people to fast during those days. For every sincere soul who has a beloved longs to experience that state in which his beloved is.If his beloved is in a state of sorrow,he desires sorrow;if in a state of joy.he desires joy;if in a state of rest.he desires rest;if in a state of trouble,he desires trouble.

Now, since in this Millennial Day,His Holiness the Supreme,The Bab fasted many days,and the Blessed Beauty,Baha'u'llah took little food or drink,it becomes necessary that the friends should follow this example.

(Table Talks by Abdul-Baha,by Mrs Corrine True,Star of the West,Vol.IV,No.18 p305

(# tue march 1st, 2011)

'Spirit Down Syndrome' - A Facebooker Disease Diagnosed

Friends, first time a symptomatic study of a Facebooker's sickness has been made and is here for further expert comments & study if any, from the cyber-world.
Infected Facebooker is all down from its own/others Walls, Profiles, Pictures, Notes, Comments, Like-Unlike, Inbox; - almost all places & sites.
The Facebooker just can't move anymore. He/she is just off from the cyber/surreal world.
Various factors, so are various theories being put on by various facebooking experts, such as:
1. Enzyme Inhibition Theory:
Cytologist refer it to the Mitochondrial region - to the inner unit membrane Cristae, whose surface contains basic unit particle in a row for energy transfer which goes in the production of ATP molecule. Some unknown inhibiting factor for 'ATPase Synthatase' enzyme is causing all havoc of lesser production of ATPs in Mitochondria.
As Mitochondria does have its own DNA, free from nuclear control of their cell, its very likely that problem resides in their Nucleotides.
2. Viral Theory:
Some kind of yet unidentified virus, which spreads possibly from inbox area.
3. Chromosomal Aberration Theory:
Some kind of Mono/Trisomy in yet unidentified Autosome.
4. Mutant Gene Theory:
Facebooker species are producing radiation fall-outs. Its possible that it has caused some Gene to mutate and that Mutant Gene is responsible for this sickness.
5. Another point of view goes for neutral Neutron shower from some unidentified area, possibly inbox of Facebook itself.
6 Degenerating Chromosome Theory:
Some experts have shown concern that like degenerating Y sex chromosome of males, there is a Gene riding on Y and has been affected partially to produce this sickness.
Predisposing Factors:
1. Geographical/territorial, east/west, north/south, caste/colour/creed/culture/religious beliefs etc.
2. Language/expressions: winking smileys, insiniuations, deep-worded explanations may be the aggravating reasons to add.
3. As factors are still in study, so no universal reasons could be laid down as of yet.
Relief Points:
1. Time-space, the coordinate 4th, being great factor. Individual Facebooker based on their biomass/exposed electromagnetic radiation ratio - they become ok after certain given period of rest.
2. During this rest period, audible as well as subsonic musical sound exposure of: Data file preferable WAV, sampling frequency 96,000 Hz, sampling size 24 bit data, channel stereo preferably 5.1, THD lower to .1%, S/N 8-110 db is recommended.
3. As sound is an energy, the following points to be noted, while giving prescribed exposure to the sick:
a. Sound energy, after it is absorbed by a body, it is transformed in to heat.
b. Critical Frequency once reached, can cause resonance various:
b1. Mechanical Resonance (e.g. Breaking of glasswares, oscillation of bridges).
b2. Sound Resonance (e.g. Vibrations of surroundings).
b3. Infra Sonic Sound (body organ oscillation, where our abdominal cavity acts as a big chamber for below 20 Hz infra sound, which matches with the frequency of the body organ).
So it is safer to consult a Sound Engineer.
4. Music recommendations are for classical/folk/fusion kind of Thematic Instrumentals - solo or ensembles, functional music, jazz - which normally does not identify itself to human-made cultural barriers, sort of transcendental meditational effect they create, initiating a faster healing.
5. Last, but no way least, Prayers given by various prophets are of immense help to come out of this trauma of Facebookers.

(#thurs feb 24th, 2011)

The Unreliable Reality

The virtual reality world, where we find 'world' at our finger tip, is so unreal ! A moment ago....it was there, next it is not. Hindu mythology had a word 'Maya' (means, which is measurable) even for real things in our life. A moment ago they are yours, next moment they are gone with the wind in the thin air, to the world unknown !
The following input from one of my cyber friend, well explains the situation:
'The intent is invisible. It is a highly advanced technology of manipulating numbers. It is an entrapment of a virtual reality/surreal life that will never be touched by your fingertips. Created not by God but by God's creation.......Therefore, only to the eyes is it real.
The reliance of something "not there" is a sign of a craving for artficial intelligence.....Which "we" have the control to stop, to shut it down, and never restart it again.
Even with the things we save to a flash drive will never reach the audience again....but sit on the screen looking back at the host'.
To the poor entrapped...sitting on the screen looking back at the host, ....so unreal !!

(#tue feb 22,2011)

Facebooker Exercise

Pat your back on your wall or go to my wall and learn how to lose fat off your back, whichever tickles your fancy.

Facebooker - A New Species

Cyber friends ! A great day of a great scientific report is just for you. It seems as if the journey of 'Homo sapiens' have come to the end of the road in its course of organic evolution.
Name: 'Homo polymorphicus sleaziensis radioactiana'
Taxonomic system used: Quadrinomial system of nomenclature
World Inhabited: Netizen
Citizenship: Netizenship
Distribution: All across the globe
First Clues found: On Facebook of Mark Zuckerberg
Initially called: Facebooker
Language: As if all the world languages mixed together
Day/Nights: None in general. Found always active
Special Features: Omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, tail less, creepy, nasty (dont confuse with Amoeba proteus)
Salient Features:
1. Have strong resistant power to higher doses of electromagnetic radiation.
2. Anti thermal resistance to higher SAR (watt/kg of tissue) ratings. They are unmoved by higher temp increase of the body tissues if any.
3. Showing bizarre behaviour patterns (laughing/crying alone, aloud in mid of the night)
4. They change their form/shape to anything, much visible on their profile.
5. Sleazy, moving all across the Wall/Link/Photo/Comment, to almost everywhere.
6. Defies the Gravity Laws (of science & society at large), while moving in & out. Our sci expert says as if they are out of the bounds of Unified String Theory's considerations, so out from the 4th dimension's interfearances.
7. They impart radioactive fallouts to the place they visit on. Their remains/debris is harmful to the civilian's 'eyes & ears'.

(#wed feb 16th, 2011)

To 'Rebellion Squares' of the World

But they had not gone twenty yards when they stopped short. An uproar of voices was coming from the farmhouse. They rushed back and looked through the window again.
The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again ; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
(reference source: George Orwell/Animal Farm)

(#tue feb 1st, 2011)

To 'Simon Peter' of All Times

"Lord, if its you", Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water."
"Come," he said.
Then Peter got down out of the boat and walked on the water to Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord save me !"
Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt ?"
(Matthew 14:28-31)

(#mon jan 31, 2011)

Nile Flows....

Nile flowing since time immemorial, has contributed immense to human civilization. Egypt has played very specific roles in history from the period of Old Testament - Moses - Anwar Sadat and continuing to this day of Mubarak.
Lets pray that the country may sustain itself in present turmoil and come out unscathed as a destiny's dearest child.
It has be...

(#sun jan 30th, 2011)


In needs.....
The heeds.....
Prayers are the perfect solace & refuge......
Thank God,
The prayers you gave us,
Through your Prophet !

(#sun jan 30th, 2011)