Sunday, August 12, 2012

Faith Perspective

Faith, Miracle & Mythology:
"Lord, if it's you", Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water."
"Come," he said.
Then Peter got down out of the boat and walked on the water to Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord save me !"
Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him, "you of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"
(Matthew 14:28-31)

Faith an Instrument:
aith is a fine invention
For gentlemen who see;
But microscopes are prudent
In an emergency !
(Emily Dickinson, w.c 1860, p 1891)

Those Who Can See & Hear Divinity:
"Though seeing, they do not see;
though hearing, they do not hear or understand."

"You will be ever hearing but never understanding;
you will be ever seeing but never perceiving."
(Matthew 13:13-14)

Divinity Inside:
he people who could see the divine luminous form of Jesus were simple weavers, farmers, simple and innocent villagers. They were not men of words and scriptures. They trusted Jesus. They could see. It happens many times that the more layers of knowledge gather on your intellect, the less is your capacity to see. The world is less religious today - and it is not because there are more irreligious people , it is because of the increase of knowledge. The more knowledgeable you are, the more difficult it will be to have a contact with the divine.
(Osho,  Kathopnishad)

Knowledge, A Lowest Activity Of Cognitive Domain:
looms's taxonomy which divides learning objectives in to three domains: Cognitive, Affective & Psychomotor.
And 'Knowledge' is the lowest most kind of activity of the Cognitive domain and so are the knowledgeable people, who forms the lowest most kind of person as for the Cognitive activity is concerned.

Life. Illusion & Faith:
And some quotes from this beautiful book:
# And he said unto them, "within each of us lies the power of our consent to health and to sickness, to riches and to poverty, to freedom and to slavery. It is we who control these, and not another."

# "We're iron, wrapped in copper wires, and whenever we want to magnetize ourselves we can. Pour our inner voltage through the wire, we can attract whatever we want to attract. A magnet is not anxious about how it works. It is itself, and by it's nature it draws some things and leaves others untouched."
# You don't do anything. Cosmic law, remember? Like attracts like. Just be who you are, calm and clear and bright. Automatically, as we shine who we are, asking ourselves every minute is this what I really want to do, doing it only when we answer yes, automatically that turns away those who have nothing to learn from who we are and attracts those who do, and from whom we have to learn, as well."
"But that takes a lot of faith, and you get pretty lonely."
(Richard Bach, Illusions, 1977)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Miss Mackenzie

Brown pages of a diary or pages of some shared story..
scribbles on crumpled corners..
are the sad reminders of how fast time passes or how quickly we pass onto this stage of world, to which by per chance we have been sharing with many others.

Irreversible is our this journey, just like one way ticket, none could be called back, except memories which are so personal, individualistic, strictly confined to their time-space, hardly could be shown or shared..

The plot fathoms some 30+ years.. a train journey on a hot & humid day of India.. a magazine and a fiction story..
Yes, it was a story by 'Ruskin Bond' (an Indian writer), .... 'A Bouquet of Love' ....and two characters of therein: ....Miss Mackenzie, and Anil ..

Sharing: It's a touching tale of a lonely English spinster and a truant Indian schoolboy ..
I have shared this story with most of my faculty members and graduating students as well, year after year.. all through these long span of my teaching career ..

Love & Lonely: I don't know where my all those sharing partners are, but I know I have shared the very basic emotion of being love & lonely with so many in my world....
.... and now I feel as if they are all around me with their sheer presence in some unseen manner..
I am not alone !!

1. Thanks to my friend Lucia Wacker for allowing to share the second picture in this blog.
2. Follow link for the story detail: